Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival (JFFF) akan kembali digelar pada tanggal 13 Mei – 7 Juni 2015. Acara JFFF digelar untuk memperkenalkan dan mempopulerkan fashion dan makanan ini telah mencapai tahun ke-12 sejak pertama kali digelar pada tahun 2004 lalu. Dengan perjalanan sepanjang itu tidak perlu diragukan lagi acara JFFF ini pasti akan menjadi acara yang meriah dan patut untuk dikunjungi. Tidak ingin ketinggalan even meriah ini? Berikut Jadwal2 berikan informasinya:
Jadwal Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival (JFFF) 2015
Tanggal: 13 Mei – 7 Juni 2015
Lokasi : Summarecon Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
Jadwal Acara Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival (JFFF) 2015
Rabu, 13 Mei 2015
Waktu Lokasi Acara
16.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Kempoeng Tempoe Doeloe Opens
18.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Wine & Cheese Expo Opening Ceremony
18.45 Kampoeng Tempoe Doeloe Tanjidor
19.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Wine Dinner with Chef Andhika Maxi (Invitation)
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Kamis, 14 Mei 2015
16.45 La Piazza Ondel-Ondel
17.00 Summarecon Kelapa Gading Gading Nite Carnival 2015
20.00 La Piazza Artist Performance by Kahitna
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
20.15 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Ondel-Ondel
21.30 Mal Kelapa Gading MKG Shopping Sprint
23.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Gadget Auction
Jum'at, 15 Mei 2015
13.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Gading Model Search Grand Final
16.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Demo by PAC Martha Tilaar
18.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Talkshow Bioskes Men & Caring by Martha Tilaar
18.45 La Piazza Traditional Live Music
19.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Acoustic Performance
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
21.30 Mal Kelapa Gading MKG Shopping Sprint
23.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Gadget Auction
Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015
11.00 Mal Kelapa Gading LOFAW (Left Over Form Accessories in the Wear) by UNJ
14.00 Mal Kelapa Gading HEIRLOOM by La Salle
16.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Demo Sariayu Hijab by Martha Tilaar
17.30 La Piazza Tarian Betawi
18.00 Mal Kelapa Gading JREP for Nusantara by JREP
18.46 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Tarian Betawi
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Keroncong Tugu
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
20.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Fashion Show Spring Summer 2015 by Hush Puppies
21.30 Mal Kelapa Gading MKG Shopping Sprint
23.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Gadget Auction
Minggu, 17 Mei 2015
10.30 Mal Kelapa Gading Demo Sariayu by Martha Tilaar
12.30 Mal Kelapa Gading The Finale Next Young Promising Designers
14.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Fruit Eating Competition by Sunpride
16.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Nostalgic-Vibes by Imelda Sparks
17.45 La Piazza Tarian Betawi
18.45 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Tarian Betawi
19.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Demo by PAC Martha Tilaar
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Gambang Kromong
21.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Senin, 18 Mei 2015
14.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Acoustic Performance
17.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Acoustic Performance
18.00 La Piazza Traditional Live Music
19.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Acoustic Performance
19.15 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Traditional Live Music
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Selasa, 19 Mei 2015
14.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Acoustic Performance
17.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Acoustic Performance
19.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Acoustic Performance
19.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Rabu, 20 Mei 2015
14.30 Mal Kelapa Gading APPMI presents Common Affairs by Ingrid Husodo, Lia Afif, Mudrika Paradise, Yurita Puji
16.00 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Kebaya Nusantara
18.00 La Piazza Traditional Live Music
18.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading SIS 2015/ The City By ISIS - Andrea Risjad & Amot Syamsuri Muda
19.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Acoustic Performance
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Traditional Live Music
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Kamis, 21 Mei 2015
14.30 Mal Kelapa Gading APPMI present Flash of Shadow
16.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading APPMI presents Scents of Contempo
17.00 Mal Kelapa Gading EXPOSURE by ESMOD
18.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Luxury Man by Musa Widyatmodjo
18.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Pemerintah & Dekranasda Kota Pekalongan present Ragam Kreatif Batik Pekalongan untuk Indonesia
19.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Jum'at, 22 Mei 2015
14.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading APPMI presents Entangled Dazzles
15.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Fashion Show by Kidz Station
16.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Yayasan Batik Indonesia presents [bi], Danar Hadi, NES, Parang Kencana
16.30 Mal Kelapa Gading Indonesia Fashion Week presents Future Profound
18.00 La Piazza Traditional Live Music
18.30 Mal Kelapa Gading The Catwalk Fashion Gallery presents The Catwalk Style
18.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Cuento by Malik Moestaram
19.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Wine Dinner with Chef Alicia Tivey
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Traditional Live Music
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Sabtu, 23 Mei 2015
10.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Make up Competition: Puspita Martha International Beauty School
11.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Supreme Style by Anaz Khairunnas
14.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading W+ Entertainment presents The Rising
15.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Fashion Show by Optik Seis
16.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Eksotika Maluku Utara Pda Kebaya Pengantin
17.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Fashion Show by STAR Dept. Store
17.30 La Piazza Tarian Betawi
18.30 Mal Kelapa Gading Diverso by Harry Ibrahim
18.45 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Tarian Betawi
19.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Travel Around the World by SOGO
20.00 Mal Kelapa Gading MKG Anniversary Celebration
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Keroncong Tugu
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
21.00 Mal Kelapa Gading MKG Shopping Sprint
23.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Gadget Auction
Minggu, 24 Mei 2015
11.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Gading Model Search Kids Category Grand Final
13.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Cooking Demo by Bukit Baros Cempaka
14.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading OOTD by Aesthetic Pleasure
15.30 Mal Kelapa Gading Flora & Fauna
16.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Lindt Chocolate Tasting Competition
16.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Trendology by ALGARRY
17.45 La Piazza Tarian Betawi
18.00 Mal Kelapa Gading Spring Summer by Urban Accent
18.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Journey of Pret a Porter by Tuto Cholid
18.45 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Tarian Betawi
19.30 Mal Kelapa Gading Indonesian Creative Designer
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Gambang Kromong
21.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Senin, 25 Mei 2015
16.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Kain Negeri by Carmanita, Danny Satriadi
18.00 La Piazza Traditional Live Music
18.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading My Name is Asia by Oscar Lawalata
19.15 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Traditional Live Music
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Selasa, 26 Mei 2015
16.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Leiders by Mayaratih Couture
18.30 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading Cita Tenun Indonesia presents Jalinan Lungsi Pakan
19.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Rabu, 27 Mei 2015
10.00 Studio XXI Mal Kelapa Gading Seminar Trend Forecasting 2016/2017 RESISTANCE by APPMI
18.00 La Piazza Traditional Live Music
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Traditional Live Music
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Kamis, 28 Mei 2015
18.00 Harris Hotel Kelapa Gading JFFF Awards presents Uri-Uri
19.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
20.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Sake Workshop for Sommelier
Jum'at, 29 Mei 2015
08.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Indonesia Best Sommelier Competition
18.00 La Piazza Traditional Live Music
18.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Yamanashi Happy Club Ceremony
19.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Wine Dinner with Chef Gilles Marx From Amuz
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Traditional Live Music
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015
11.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Wine & Sake Expo
14.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Cooking Demo with Chef Idham Mirwan
17.30 La Piazza Tarian Betawi
17.30 Mal Kelapa Gading Wine & Sake Testing
18.45 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Tarian Betawi
19.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Japanese Sake & Wine Dinner presenting Yamanashi Prefecture Japan
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Keroncong Tugu
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Minggu, 31 Mei 2015
06.00 Summarecon Kelapa Gading Jakarta Wine & Cheese Run 2015
13.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Cooking Demo by Bukit Baros Cempaka
16.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Tulip Chocolate Cup Competition for Kids
18.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Pasta Cooking Demo
18.45 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Tarian Betawi
19.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Wine & Sake Gala Dinner
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Keroncong Tugu
21.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Senin, 01 Juni 2015
17.45 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Gambang Kromong
20.00 La Piazza Traditional Live Music
21.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Traditional Live Music
21.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Selasa, 02 Juni 2015
05.30 La Piazza Ondel-Ondel
19.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Ondel-Ondel
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Rabu, 03 Juni 2015
18.00 La Piazza Traditional Live Music
18.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Traditional Live Music
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Kamis. 04 Juni 2015
19.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Jum'at, 05 Juni 2015
18.00 La Piazza Traditional Live Music
19.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Wine Dinner with Chef Julio Ortega
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Traditional Live Music
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015
12.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Cooking Demo with Chef Rodolfo Flores
14.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Fruit Creativity by Sunpride
16.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Korean cooking demo with Chef Joshua
17.30 La Piazza Tarian Betawi
18.45 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Tarian Betawi
19.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Special wine dinner for Yukmakan's member
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Keroncong Tugu
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
Minggu, 07 Juni 2015
13.00 Wine & Cheese Expo Quiz Competition
17.45 La Piazza Tarian Betawi
18.45 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Tarian Betawi
20.00 Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe Gambang Kromong
20.00 La Piazza Layar Tancep
More Info and Contact:
Website: JFFF.info